
Music Therapy Assessment

Theory, Research & Application
...Moore 1991). other researchers suggested that preservation of musical memory in patients with Alzheimer’s disease might be due to the use of alternative cognitive, memory, and other neural mechanisms when presented with auditory and musical stimuli (Crystal, Grober, and Masur 1989; Walton et al. 1988).

Handbook of Neurologic Music Therapy

...words were presented through singing than they did when the words were spoken. Thaut (2010) reported that the stimulation by music of shared and parallel systems in the brain allows music to improve cognitive functions, including memory. Iwata (2005) discovered that when learning a foreign language, active...

Memory Loss

Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia
...and tunes with these effects have often been learned as a teenager and young adult. Structures activated by music include the basal ganglia and cerebellum (Rauschecker, 2014), which are relatively unaffected by Alzheimer’s disease. Music learned in one’s youth has been well consolidated over time, no longer depends...

The Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology extend what is known, as well as throwing up new questions. The field of neuroscience and the methods of neuroimaging have already shown great promise in identifying the areas and networks in the brain that are implicated in memory for music. Frontal, parietal, and premotor cortical areas, together with the...

Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine

...activities are ‘relatively independent from the areas used for verbal tasks’ (Sergent et al., 1992, p. 108). Furthermore, long-term memories of music are relatively preserved in people with cognitive impairment. Therefore, the therapeutic use of both language and music are more likely to activate preserved neural...

The Cognitive Neuroscience of Music

...mechanisms that are not implicated in speech recognition or in environmental sound recognition. Indeed, one can find brain-damaged cases whose unique symptom is the loss of the ability to recognize and memorize music. The patients retain the ability to recognize and understand speech as well as to identify common...

The Oxford Handbook of Music and the Brain

As a result of this manipulation, the subjects substantially improved their cognitive performance. Thus, it is conceivable that music listening might influence brain activation in a similar way leading to an improvement in several ongoing cognitive processes.

This Is Your Brain On Music

The Science of a Human Obsession
...need in order to recognize songs in transposition. My own neuroimaging studies have shown that familiar music activates both these regions and the hippocampus, a structure deep in the center of the brain that is known to be crucial to memory encoding and retrieval. Together, these findings suggest that we are storing...

Why You Like It:  The Science & Culture of Musical Taste

...subcortical limbic system) and various areas of the cerebrum. Getting more specific, research shows that music-based “echoic” memory (part of the sensory memory store) is processed in the auditory cortex, as well as in various regions of the frontal lobe. Working memory (WM), for its part, involves multiple cortical...


T-Mo Entertainment has one main function, which is to bring musical entertainment to Seniors. The places performed would include; Memory Care, Nursing Homes, Assisted Living, Senior Residence Facilities, Senior Groups & Church Groups to list a few. We have evidence that concludes that musical interaction with seniors, brings them to life.

My name is Todd Morley & I have served as a Praise & Worship Leader including Minister of Music for 3 decades.

My Parents, Sister Dana & I were known as the Morley Singers when we produced our First Album (Times of Change) in the early 90’s. We Toured throughout Mid-Michigan on the Free Concert Circuit, Singing Popular Gospel Hymns, Folk & Contemporary Music in Beautiful 4 Part Harmony.

Up to now, The Majority of our performances has been in conjunction with Blessing Tree Ministries, where we have performed throughout Michigan at Hospitals, Assisted Living, Nursing Homes and Senior Living Facilities.

Todd Morley

In a grand sense, music theory distills and analyzes the parameters or elements of music – rhythm, harmony (harmonic function), melody, structure, form, and texture.


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